Truffle Grading Guidelines

Truffle Grading guideline for the Truffle Board Marketplace adapted from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Standards: UNECE Standard FFV533 concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of Truffles – 2017 Edition.

Minimum requirements

It is the responsibility of the Seller to specify for each auction with the proper Truffle Species and Grade (Class).

In all classes, subject to the special provisions for each class and the tolerances allowed, the truffles must be:

  • sufficiently developed, and display satisfactory maturity and/or ripeness.
  • fresh
  • legally harvested
  • dog or pig harvested (no nondiscriminatory harvest methods, such as racking).
  • wild or farmed (only truffles harvested in the wild can be marked as wild)
  • intact, no bruises, scratches or piece missing
  • firm
  • sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded
  • clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter; the residual soil rate must not exceed 5% in weight
  • positively identifiable
  • practically free from pests
  • practically free from damage caused by pests
  • free from damage caused by frost
  • free of abnormal external moisture
  • free of any foreign smell and/or taste
  • free from foreign molds
  • cuts, if any, must be fresh and clean

The development and condition of the truffles must be such that enable them:

  • to withstand transportation and handling
  • to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination


For all classes a total tolerance of 10% by weight, of truffles not satisfying the requirements as regards sizing is allowed. 0% of this tolerance may consist of produce affected by rot or mold.

Provision regarding knifing

The practice of knifing (removal of a very small slice of the truffle to expose the flesh – gleba) is encouraged so as to expose the truffle’s maturity. A single knifing mark per truffle is not considered a defect.

Provisions concerning presentation

  • Uniformity: The contents of each auction must be uniform and contain only truffles of the same origin, species, grade, maturity, development, and coloring. The visible part of the contents of the package must be representative of the entire contents.
  • Packaging: The truffles must be packed in such a way as to protect the produce properly. The materials used inside the package must be clean and of a quality such as to avoid causing any external or internal damage to the produce. The use of materials, particularly of paper or stamps bearing trade specifications, is allowed, provided the printing or labelling has been done with non-toxic ink or glue. Stickers individually affixed to the produce shall be such that, when removed, they neither leave visible traces of glue nor lead to skin defects. Packages must be free of all foreign matter.

General Grade Descriptions

Extra Class (Extra)

  • Truffles in this class must be of superior quality
  • They must be characteristic of the species
  • They must have a rounded shape, more or less regular and lobed
  • They must be free from defects, with the exception of very slight superficial defects as well as very slight defects in appearance, shape and colour, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package

Extra Class Tolerance

A total tolerance of 2%, by weight, of truffles not satisfying the requirements of the Extra Class but meeting those of Class I is allowed. Within this tolerance not more than 0.5% in total weight may consist of produce satisfying the requirements of Class II quality.

First Class (Class I)

  • Truffles in this class must be of good quality
  • They must be characteristic of the species
  • The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package:
    • a slight defect in shape
    • a slight defect in development
    • slight defects in coloring
    • slight superficial bruising.

First Class Tolerance

A total tolerance of 5%, by weight, of truffles not satisfying the requirements of the First Class but meeting those of Class II is allowed. Within this tolerance not more than 1% in total weight may consist of produce satisfying neither the requirements of Class II quality nor the minimum requirements, or of produce affected by decay.

Second Class (Class II)

This class includes truffles that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above.

The following defects may be allowed, provided the truffles retain their essential characteristics of quality, the keeping quality and presentation:

  • defects in shape
  • defects in development
  • defects in coloring
  • superficial bruising

Second Class Tolerance

A total tolerance of 10%, by weight, of truffles satisfying neither the requirements of the Second Class nor the minimum requirements is allowed. Within this tolerance not more than 2% in total weight may consist of produce affected by decay.

Pieces Class (Pieces)

This class includes truffles that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified below.

The following defects may be allowed, provided the truffles retain their essential characteristics of quality and the keeping quality:

  • extensive exposure of the truffle flesh
  • defects in shape
  • clean insect damages
  • significant section missing

Pieces Class Tolerance

A total tolerance of 10%, by weight, of truffles satisfying neither the requirements of the Pieces class nor the minimum requirements is allowed. Within this tolerance not more than 5% in total weight may consist of produce affected by decay other than rot or mold.

Shavings Class (Shavings)

This class includes truffles or pieces of truffles too small to qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above provided the truffles retain their essential characteristics of quality and the keeping quality. Pieces needs to be big enough to allow for truffle species identification.

Shaving Class Tolerance

No more than 10%, by weight in total may consist of produce affected by decay other than rot or mold.

Specific Class Attributes

Important Note: To assure the quality of our offerings, at this time, we are explicitly prohibiting the sale of Tuber indicum on Truffle Board. Unfortunately these lesser quality truffles are too often sold in lieu of more valuable species and subject to much controversies.

Truffle Board NameSpeciesExtraFirstSecondPiecesShavings
AestivumTuber aestivum>= 50 g,
Mostly round
>= 25 g>= 5 g>= 5 g
BorchiiTuber borchii> 10 g
dog harvested
>= 8 g
dog harvested
>=5 g
Less than 30% damages
>=5 g
Brumale Tuber brumale >50 g
Close to spherical
>10 g >=5 g
Less than 30% damages
>=5 g

Brunnea Kalapuya brunnea > 15 g,
dog harvested
> 8 g,
Less than 30% damages,
dog harvested
Not meeting above class,
Less than 30% damages
Not meeting above class,

Caniliculatum Tuber caniliculatum > 20 g
dog harvested
>=10 g
dog harvested
>=5 g
Less than 30% damages
>=5 g

Carthusianum Leucangium carthusianum > 20 g,
dog harvested
> 10 g,
Less than 30% damages,
dog harvested
Not meeting above class,
Less than 30% damages

Not meeting above class,

Gibbosum Tuber gibbosum > 10 g,
no damages,
dog harvested
> 10 g,
dog harvested
Not meeting above class,
Less than 30% damages,

>= 5 g,
dog harvested
Not Available
Lyonii Tuber lyonii > 10 g
dog harvested
>= 8 g
dog harvested
>=5 g
Less than 30% damages
>=5 g

Macrosporum Tuber macrosporum >100 g


>=15 g
Less than 30% damages
>= 15 g

Magnutum Tuber magnutum> 100 g> 50 g >= 15 g
Less than 30% damages
>= 15 g 
Melanosporum Tuber melanosporum >= 20 g,
Close to spherical
>= 10 g>= 5 g>= 5 g 
Oregonense Tuber oregonense > 20 g, dog harvested > 10 g,
dog harvested
Not meeting above class,
Less than 30% damages,

>= 5 g
dog harvested
Not Available
Unicinatum Tuber unicinatum >= 50 g,
Mostly round
>= 25 g>= 5 g>= 5 g 

Missing a species?

Please contact us to let us know what we’re missing.