About Truffle Board

Truffle Board is marketplace for the exchange of fresh culinary truffles from all around the world.

Buy Fresh Culinary Truffles

Now chefs can focus on the creation of the most amazing dishes, without worrying about the availability of the elusive truffle. With the Truffle Board Mobile app you have access to culinary truffles from all around the world at your fingertips. Getting truffles directly from the farms or the harvesters allows restaurants to be confident that they will have a constant supply of the freshest truffles. With Truffle Board buyers drive the price, have a greater choice of truffles and remain confident that they transaction is secured and safe.

Learn more about how you can buy truffle on truffle board

Sell Fresh Culinary Truffles

Now truffle farmers and truffle hunters can quickly sell their harvest to a world wide market. The Truffle Board Mobile app takes care of all the complications and logistical nightmares around selling your truffles. We provide shipping, calculate, collect and pay taxes on your behalf, but most importantly we give you direct access from buyers all around the world. No need to spend hours at the farmers market or to drives thousand of miles to reach your clients.

Learn more about how you can sell truffle on truffle board